Blog Party 1


Location: New Jersey

Be sure to visit the other blogs on the tour – each one has prizes to give away for those that participate!

Here’s What I’m Giving Away Today:

*($10.00) Amazon Gift Card

*($10.00) ITunes Gift Card

*($10.00) Starbuck’s Gift Card

* (2) Each of a Kindle Copy of my book: Mirror of Our Lives: Voices of Four Igbo Women

# of Winners for this stop: 5

I have always used this opportunity to remind us about the commitment we all agreed to, which is, to read and review one another’s books. Last year, I read over one hundred of our members’ books. I am tempted to list them here, but I will not. My point is this: There are some of us who joined #RRBC to have their books read and reviewed, not to read and review others. In other words, they are the writers, and the others, the readers and reviewers. They whine and lament when they are not in the front, back, and center of the review forefront…My advise for these members is, check your book reviews and return the favor to every member who have read and reviewed you. this is the right thing to do.



In Mirror of Our Lives, four Nigerian women share the compelling tales of their troubled lives and failed marriages, revealing how each managed to not only survive, but triumph under difficult and repressive circumstances. Njide, Nneka, Miss Nelly, and Oby relive their stories of passion, deceit, heartache, and strength as they push through life—each on a unique journey to attain happiness, self-respect and inner peace. But none of the women’s journeys is without misjudgments and missteps. Njide falls in love at first sight, marries Tunji too quickly, and is dismayed when Tunji shows his true colors. Nneka once thought that she and Oji were the perfect couple—until Oji traveled to the United States. Miss Nelly is a kind and goodnatured woman who allows everyone to take advantage of her—even her husband, whom she married only for his name. But everyone wonders why Oby and Mat even married at all, for their marriage was a battle from the very beginning. The tales in Mirror of Our Lives: Voices of Four Igbo Women will inspire women around the world to never give up, to discover a sense of worth, and most of all, to learn to love themselves above everyone else.



Joy Nwosu was born in Enugu, Anambra State of south-eastern Nigeria. Her parents were Charles Belonwu and Deborah Nwosu. She is the fifth in rank of the seven children of her parents. Joy was born into a music family.
Joy, now retired, was a music teacher, trained in Santa Cecilia, Rome, and obtained her Ph.D. in Music Education from the University of Michigan, USA.
She has written and published extensively on national and international scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers.
Her short story I Come from Utopia was published in African Voices, Spring/Summer, 2007, pg. 18, and her first English novel; Mirror of Our Lives: Voices of Four Igbo Women was published in 2011, and was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Book Contest in 2012. She has also two books published in the Italian language.
Joy is a trained musician, and taught music for 35 years.  She writes, performs, and record folk songs.
Her new book: The Legend of the Walking Dead: Igbo Mythologies, which has just been released, is a journey into the mysteries of life and death of the Igbos of Nigeria.  She loves reading romances and mystery stories.

Websites: http://sbpra.com/joylobamijoko/ Mirror of Our Lives …..
http://sbprabooks.com/JoyNwosuLoBamijoko/ Legend of the Walking…
Buy Mirror of Our Lives…Amazon Link:

Barnes & Noble Link
Link to my Blog: jinlobify.Com
Face BookLink: https://www.facebook.com/joy.lobamijoko
Link to my LinkedIn Book Add
Trailer: Mirror of Our Lives: Voices of Four Igbo Women

Twitter Handle: @Jinlobify



  1. Helena P. Schrader

    Sorry I’m late to the party, but I’m not really interested in the giveaways but rather learning about fellow authors. This is really fantastic. I lived two years in Nigeria and loved the Nigeria people. I have huge respect for the majority that are struggling to make the best of their lives in a system that is so utterly rotten with corruption. Good luck with your work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Hi Helena, thank you for stopping by. So you lived for sometime in Nigeria? I still have a home in Lagos, and I visit quite often. You do understand why it is so hard for any sane person to stay in that God forsaken place for too long. I go, because I still have family there. I spent years working, and trying to make things better, and when, in the end, I was practically thrown under the rails, I left. Thank God, I was able to do so. There are many of my colleagues who want to leave, but cannot. 😦


  2. Jan Hawke

    Oh… poot!
    Joy – I’m truly sorry to get here so late, but for some reason it didn’t gel with me that you were partying yesterday until just now *blushes furiously*. Still, better late than not at all, although I know I’ve blown my prize opportunities (but I own the book, so no probs there! 😉 ) I love both Mirror Of Our Lives and The Legend Of The Walking Dead, not only because of their intense African flavour, but also because they take you on an internal journey, which, for Westerners is at once challenging and only too familiar.
    We humans are strange creatures, who focus too much on differences that don’t really matter (with gender, race, religion and cultural mores) and don’t pay enough attention to what we all share and desire – your books show hope and gathering strength in equal measures with the trials your characters face, and so they’re ‘must read’ books that will have appeal and resonance for everyone.
    I can see you had a great time yesterday – and attracted lots of new aficiandos! I’ll make sure I’m not so royally late next time! 😀


    1. jinlobify Post author

      Oh Jan,… you are very welcome. You only missed the wine, and goodies… :D. We really had fun! Sure Jan, you are amongst my favorite people, one of the best, always ready to SO for me. :D. I can never thank you enough for the support you give me. Thank you for looking in. 🙂

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      1. Jan Hawke

        Joy, I’m still playing ‘catch up’ – my excuse is that I’ve finally got that Foreword my cyber-hubby was writing on Friday, so it’s been nose to the grindstone with perfecting the paperback layout for A Freebooter’s Fantasy Almanac for launch in a couple of weeks. Will let you know when I’ve got the eBook updated as promised! 😉 ❤


  3. Micki Peluso

    Outstanding book trailer. What an impressive life you have led. I love reviewing books and consider my reviews a piece of literature as in an essay. Hoping the lyme calms down so I can see well enough to catch up. Your book sounds interesting. Another one for my vast TBR list. Congrats on ‘Reviewer’ of the year!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Many Faces of Cheri G

    Although I feel I have long been a “writer”, I have not yet written anything beyond my blog. But it is becoming quite apparent that there is a close community of writers who support and encourage one another here. Thank you for your advice; your insight is much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Hi Many Faces… here at #RRBC we are also readers, not just writers. You read a lot, and maybe one day, you read enough to spur you to write. :). Never give up! Thank you for stopping by, and good to know you. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    You are a very accomplished and well-traveled woman. And I know you speak more than one language. That is an awesome lifestyle that most of us never get to experience. I read your books and enjoyed them immensely, plus it was an education for me learning about your culture which mirrors ours to some degree, when it comes to the opposite sex. Women just recently won the right to vote in the last century. Our pay is still unequal to men’s pay. Anyway I’m enjoying your blog and kudos for putting everything together so well.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Well Shirley, I hold you in very high esteem as a friend, and as one of my foremost supporter. I truly appreciate your support. You have the true spirit of what #RRBC stands for. I, in turn, will always support you. Thank you for being my friend, and for being on my side. 😀 Thank you for always being very supportive.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. yvettemcalleiro

    You sound so rich in culture, Joy! And talented to boot! 😉 I am in awe that you read 100 books in one year. I do my best but do not come anywhere near that number. I will definitely be checking your books out. Thanks for sharing Mirror of our Lives with us. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Ha, ha, Yvette! I read that much that year because it was a challenge. I am not trying to do anything close to that again, but, I am still reading. Thank you for stopping by. 🙂

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  7. Soooz

    Your generosity of spirit shines through in this post. Supporting fellow authors and genuinely loving what you do. I will be reading ‘Mirror of Our Lives’ very soon. Thanks so much for all you do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Thank you so much Snoooz for your support. Good to know you. To read and review is the way we support one another in #RRBC. 🙂 Please let me know what you think when you read “Mirror……” 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Staci Troilo

    I love this line: Women will inspire women around the world to never give up, to discover a sense of worth, and most of all, to learn to love themselves above everyone else..

    What a powerful message. Wishing you much success!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Stephanie Collins

    Hi Joy! What a great post; your book looks like a very powerful read. I’m curious; you live in NJ, but your book is about Nigerian women. I see that you are originally from Nigeria; are these women you met before you moved, women who also moved to the states, or women you met or remained in contact with after moving? Anyway, thanks so much for sharing; it’s nice to get to know a little more about a fellow RRBC member! Enjoy the rest of your day! 🙂 ~Stephanie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Hi Stephanie, good to know you too. These are all glimpses into the lives of real women. The stories are that of these particular Nigerian culture, but they universal to women. Thank you for your kind thoughts, and for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. D.L. Finn

    Thank you for the reminder why we authors join RRBC. It is an approach I’ve embraced and I am enjoying. I loved your trailer as well as entire post. I look forward to reading your book and added it to my kindle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Please do D.I., and good to know you. Our Book club, the #RRBC is great for bringing writers together, and to give one another great support. 🙂 You are in good company.


  11. S.J. Francis

    Hello Joy and nice to “meet” you. Great advice in the beginning. I’m still rather new to RRBC but I’ve read and reviewed 3 books so far. Authors really need to support one another. If not us, then who? Keep writing and keep making music! Cheers! S.J. Francis

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Wendy Scott

    Good point about reviews – RRBC is about helping other writers (those who have a well crafted tale to highlight these great read) by reading and honestly reviewing their works. I always have a long TBR list of RRBC stories which I’m working through (not as long as yours!).
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

  13. marymichaelschmidt

    I agree with John. Your opening piece says it all. I have slowly but surely started reading and reviewing many RRBC members books. They are posted on my blog and Amazon. Thank you for sharing the stories of these amazing women.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Thank you Marymichael for stopping by. Good to know you. This is why we constantly chide our member to continue reading and reviewing each other’s books. This is the spirit of #RRBC. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Natalie Ducey

    Joy, your support for fellow members is tremendous and your words offer much encouragement to all. 🙂 High five on the milestone of 100 books! I’m challenging myself to read and review at least two books a week. The number of books on my TBR list is huge. I’m delighted to say both of your books are on my Kindle, and I look forward to reading your work very soon! Cheers. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Oh wow Natalie! Thank you for the support. Two books a week is rather too much for me now. This year, I am nearly doing four books a month. Last year was a challenge, but not any more. Maybe, you will win it this year. I wish you do. 😀 Thank you for stopping by. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. mikelynes

    Hi Joy! Great to be back on your blog again – your books are always interesting and unique reads. Good luck with them and have fun on your RRBC Back to School Blog Block party day – MikeL

    Liked by 2 people

  16. kimwrtr

    Great advice and a great post, Joy! Through RRBC I’ve learned to enjoy different genres than I normally read. I’ve found some real gems too. I have Mirror of Our Lives on my Kindle and I’m looking forward to reading it.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. PHS

    Thanks for the review encouragement, Joy, and all you’ve done to support club members. I agree with John’s earlier remarks about how accomplished you are. You are very inspiring to continue to share your life.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Great Lincoln, and thank you for the support. We have to constantly chide ourselves often about supporting each other. :D. Do I have your books?… I will wait until your party. 🙂


  18. lizziechantree

    Such a great blog post Joy. RRBC is a wonderful place to find new books to read and review. I have just bought your book today and look forward to reading it. You are an inspiring lady and I wish you great success in all that you do.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Yoo hoo! Lizzie, thank you for the support. #RRBC has given us writers a heads-up. Here, we can carry each other as high as they are ready to carry us. That is the name of the game. :D.

      Liked by 2 people

  19. beemweeks

    Bravo, Joy! Well said. You are still the only member with over 100 reviews of fellow members’ books. I am amazed at the numbers of books you read. You are the true embodiment of what it means to be an RRBC member. Best wishes to you!

    Liked by 2 people

  20. pringfall99

    What a lovely blog post, Joy! It’s always good to meet and find another musician/romance lover. I have found that music and romance so often go together. I suppose it’s a natural fit. I am truly amazed at how many books you’ve reviewed! Absolutely astounding!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Good to know you Pringfall, my kindred spirit! :D. Yes, I was a music teacher all my life, and you are right, you can’t love music without being a romantic. :D. Thank you for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Craig, good to see you here. You know, sometimes, we have to brag about these things, especially when they are true. I don’t think I will ever have that much time to read so much again. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  21. joannwentzel

    I am so impressed by your accomplishments Joy and hope to read your book soon. Sounds so interesting. Your advice to other club members is so needed and appropriate. the list of books i wish to read keeps growing and yours is among them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Oh Joann, I am happy to know that you have my book on your reading list. Than you for the support. You know, sometimes, just buying the books, and having them in your view, is a step forward. Right now, I have more than a hundred books on my Kindle, and I am still a veracious reader. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  22. marethabotha2013

    Thanks for sharing such powerful thoughts, Joy🤓 Your blog reflects this quality and your positivity reaffirms my own resolve to do as much as possible and give more support to as many authors here on RRBC as possible. I hope you have a great blog stop today. Best wishes ! Oh least I forget – the trailer is great! 💥

    Liked by 2 people

      1. marethabotha2013

        Thanks for letting me know, Jo. I’ll definitely make some enquirers about the trailer. I’m just sorry I didn’t become a fully fledged club member earlier. I hope you had a successful blog tour. Enjoy your week. 🤓📚🌹📚

        Liked by 1 person

  23. michelleddiane

    Nice post, Joy. RRBC is all about support and connecting with other authors. You get out what you put in! Have a great day at the party!

    Liked by 2 people

  24. rebeccacarteremona

    Although “review” may be in the title of RRBC, that is not the only thing the club is about. If that is all people expect, they are missing out on so much more. It’s about connecting with other authors and supporting one another. It’s amazing how many club members there are, but so few take the time to comment on posts and such.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      I agree totally with you Rebecca, #RRBC is a lot more than just reviews, but then, what best way can you support your fellow member, than to read and review their books? I think reading and reviewing each others books is number one on my list. Commenting on posts comes second. 😀

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  25. karenringalls

    Joy, your name is perfect description of you and how you have affected me (and I am sure thousands more). I have watched your trailer twice and your book is on my list. I so admire all you have accomplished and your beautiful spirit.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Thank you Karen. I too value your friendship a lot. #RRBC has really opened up for us, a world outreach, where you speak to people you never saw or met, as if you have been friends for ever. It is a wonderful feeling. :D. Thank you for your support.


  26. John Fioravanti

    When I think about you, Joy, I think about how gifted I am to enjoy this association and friendship with you. You are truly an accomplished woman and this book should be at the top of everyone’s reading list. Great advice at the top of this message! Another brilliant trailer by 4WillsPublishing! Have a super day, Joy!

    Liked by 2 people

  27. Patricia, Room With Books

    I like your opening paragraph! Supporting others is at the center of RRBC!

    Your stop is such an inspiration! The message for all women in your writing excites me and I’m looking forward to reading both of your English written books!

    I feel your heart in your post and I thank you for the chance to know you better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Thank you, thank you, thank you… Patricia. These are very kind and supportive words. I am so proud to be a member of the great #RRBC. All writers, Indies or not should become members. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Mae Clair

    As someone who reads constantly, I can’t imagine stopping at four books a year! The club is great, Joy, and I’ve been so impressed by the support of its members since joining. BTW, Legends of the Walking Dead is the book that really fascinates me. It’s already on my Kindle and my TBR. I look forward to discovering the myths and beliefs of the Igbo people. Have a great day at the blog party!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Thank you Mae for the support. Yes we have a great club, that constantly encourages you to support others, because by so doing you are supported. 🙂 What a great plan! Just look at the reviews of even the new releases. how they sky-rocket. That comes from #RRBC, a club like ours. 😀


  29. Gwen Plano

    Joy, this is a lovely post — heartfelt and powerful. I have your book and look forward to reading it. You amaze me in so many ways, not the least of which is that you’ve read and reviewed over 100 books this past year. You inspire me to do more!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Thank you Gwen for your kind words. Yes, I did. At the time, I took it as a challenge, and I won. I haven’t done as much this year, but I’m still at it 😀


  30. D.E.Howard

    Great post Joy – How amazing that you read and reviewed over 100 books – that is so impressive! We might not all be able to manage that quantity but I think everyone can achieve more than just the clubs minimum requirements 🙂 Great to read a little more about you too 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. jinlobify Post author

      Good to see you here D.E. Yes, it is just a reminder that we should constantly support each other. Some of us go over and beyond, but we don’t expect it to be the same with everyone. Thanks for stopping by.


  31. harmonykentonline

    You are such an inspiring lady, Joy, and many of us would do well to follow your example. I love your books and the look into life that they offer. Best wishes with everything! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


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